Without people in your life to make things interesting, be the
only sane voice in your head, and most of all be there when you need
them the most we all would be nuts. Ok so maybe some of us are nuts,
as the voices in my head tell me anyway *haha* Friends make the
world go around and a better place to be. Over the years I have seen
a number of friends come and go and such is life. All I can say is
enjoy the time spent together as much as you can. In early February
I found two friends that I had long since thought lost. When you
travel around as much as I did in the past you lose touch. Life has
the funny way of coming full circle at times as well as pulling
little pranks to mess you up.
Love is a whole different matter together. There are many forms
of it and often times it just smacks you in the face one day and
says "here I am". Granted there is love between family
members and even close friends, but I'm talking about the love that
comes outa the blue and leaves you on cloud nine. I'm not the type
to easily fall in love with someone instantly. For me it takes time
and more then once I realized it was love after it was already gone.
Once again life threw a curve ball at me. February was a crazy
month. Never would I have expected a middle of the night phone call
from a friend to come to a party to lead to where it did. ![](Images/ken1.jpg)
From that one phone call I met a truly amazing guy, Ken, who I just
clicked with right away. It seemed more like we where old friends
instead of just meeting. That was February 4th of this year. Now
life has thrown yet another kink into things. I'm not sure where
things are heading anymore for the two of us. Hopefully we will
manage to stay friends in the end. All I know is that happiness is a
fleeting thing best enjoyed while you have it, for you never
know what the future brings and how quickly it can all end.
on to the case of Robin and Robin, affectionately referred to as
"The Robins" since at times you can't tell where one
begins and the other ends :) I knew them both in High school and even
in middle school. Later as my travels took me to the great state
Texas and later to the "wonderful" state of New Jersey I
lost touch with them. That all changed one day when fate, as well as
some scheming on the part of my boyfriend, brought us back together.
I missed you guys and your company. Granted our friendship wasn't
the strongest "back in the day", its great to have
found you guys again.
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